HP 350 Ink
Deskjet 350 Ink Cartridges

HP 350 ink cartridges and supplies. Guaranteed quality, discount-pricing, and same-day shipping!

Compatible HP Models:

  • 350
  • 350C
  • 350Cbi
HP 350 Ink, Deskjet 350 Ink Cartridges

HP 350 Printer Review

The HP Deskjet 350 portable color printer is a compact travel buddy designed to make working on the road more simple and efficient. This inkjet unit can connect to a laptop or PC via a parallel port or a USB port and has an optional infrared adapter for wireless connectivity. It measures 12.2x2.6x5.9 inches and only weighs 4.3 pounds, making it less tedious to bring along for the ride.

Since discontinued by HP, the 350 was revolutionary at the turn of the century. Using black HP 350 ink, it can print up to 5 pages per minute at a maximum resolution of 600x600 dpi. Using the color printer ink, it can only print up to 2 pages per minute at a max resolution of 600x300 dpi. The speed and quality are not the best, but the convenience and simplicity balance that out. The high quality Deskjet 350 ink looks sharp on various types of paper such as glossy and plain, greeting cards, labels and transparencies. It has a memory of 512 MB and is compatible with both Windows and Mac. There is also a portable 30-sheet automatic document feeder so users do not have to hand-feed paper.

With a page yield of nearly 500, black HP 350 ink cartridges are simple to install and not too expensive to replace. The color Deskjet 350 ink cartridge, which consists of cyan, magenta and yellow, has a page yield of only 350. This inkjet printer has helpful features to create the best images possible with the low capacity tanks of HP 350 ink. Colorsmart II automatically adjusts imperfections in images to provide the best results, while SmartFocus improves and increases original resolutions of pictures. The maximum resolution that can be expected of this color ink, 600x300 dpi, is surprisingly low, but still capable of making quality photos.

Sibling models, Deskjet 350c and 350cbi are basically the same exact thing with a few extra features. Easy set up and transport, automatic enhancers, cheap replacements of printer ink and a rechargeable battery make the Deskjet 350 a very solid choice.